On May 27th, 2010, about 300 people showed up at NW Natural’s annual shareholder meeting to tell them to scrap their scrappy planned palomar pipeline. The proposed 217 mile long pipeline would connect the Bradwood Landing LNG terminal to TransCanada’s Eastern Oregon pipeline bringing the gas not to Oregonians, but to Californians. Interestingly the State of California has already banned the construction of LNG terminals due to the extremely dangerous and environmentally damaging nature of LNG development. This led many of the farmers, environmentalists and concerned people present to question why Oregon would allow such a development to occur.
Check out Hey NW Natural! for more in depth reporting on the campaign against NW Natural’s destructive pipeline and Rising Tide North America for more information on what LNG is really all about. You can also always check out NW Natural’s website for a classic example of what greenwashing looks like too…