What we do...

and how we do it.

About Us

Documentary films, political remix videos, and skill-building workshops to catalyze communities

We collaborate: We work with local and national social justice organizations to produce films exploring issues related to their work. Our goal is to provide high quality content that supports their organization's mission, and our work features everything from immigrant rights to houselessness and environmental justice.

We capacitate:
Our skills-based media training curriculum eliminates traditional barriers to technology by focusing on hands on learning, connecting people to community resources, and teaching the basics necessary to make high quality media on any type of device. We have taught courses and visiting lectures across the nation, and we design long-term capacity training for community organizations and learning centers.

We create: B Media is an active element of Portland’s community media movement. We're artists at heart, and have worked with Open Signal and the Portland Experimental Film Festival to make media production both accessible and fun. We're known for our place-based production and signature remix style that entertains and informs.

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